Literacy(ies): Working Concepts in Teaching




Literacy, Working Concept, Disembodiment, Teaching, Technology


Courtine and Vigarello (2009) present the technologically informed ways of categorizing the indictable body from the 19th century onwards. I highlight the outcome of this process when the effect of this categorization leads to the control of the bodies. Contrasting the empty body with the full one, this paper assumes the task of asking about how the body of concepts (the syllabus) is drained out at school and how to avoid it. From a discursive perspective in the Applied Linguistics, the main point is to introduce the working concept (STREET, 2009) to deal with literacy(ies), establishing a dialogue between the learning objects, the teacher and the student, that is, a dialogue between the three main participants of the didactic-pedagogic practice. The novelty in relation to the notion of working concept is its proposition as the optimum environment to establish a new way of knowledge production in which transdisciplinarity (SIGNORINI, 1998) is not so concerned with the disciplines, but with the production of reflection issues in the happening of a relation between disciplines.


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Author Biography

Manoel Luiz Gonçalves Corrêa, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo,

Graduado em Letras (Português/Espanhol) pela UNESP-São José do Rio Preto-SP (1978), fez mestrado (1986) e doutorado (1997) em Lingüística na Universidade Estadual de Campinas e livre-docência (2011) na Universidade de São Paulo. Fez, ainda, pós-doutorados no exterior: em 2002/2003, na U-3-Grenoble-FR e, em 2009, na Université Paris XII-FR. Professor efetivo do DLCV-FFLCH-Universidade de São Paulo desde 1999, coordenou convênio CAPES/COFECUB USP/UNICAMP/U-3-GRENOBLE (FR) por quatro anos (janeiro/2005 a dezembro/2008). É líder do grupo de pesquisa CNPq Práticas de leitura e escrita em português língua materna, em atividade desde 2003. Tem experiência na área de Lingüística, com ênfase em Ensino de Português L1, atuando principalmente no estudo dos temas: escrita, letramento e discurso.



How to Cite

Corrêa, M. L. G. (2019). Literacy(ies): Working Concepts in Teaching. Revista Da Anpoll, 1(49), 52–66.



Letramento e Transdisciplinaridade