Echoes of Shakespeare: Julius Caesar and House of Cards - the Final Cut by Dobbs and BBC




Julius Caesar, Shakespeare, House of Cards, Dobbs, BBC series


In 2017, we published a paper on the dialogue between Michael Dobbs’ House of Cards trilogy, the BBC and Netflix series, and Shakespeare’s plays – Richard III, Macbeth and Othello. This work is a continuation of that first publication and deals with the last volume of Dobbs’ trilogy, The Final Cut, and its adaptation – Season 3 of the BBC series – to show how Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar was resignified in those two productions, a subject not explored before. We turn our attention, therefore, to Dobbs’ last novel of the trilogy and to the last season of the BBC series, emphasizing the protagonism, the volubility of the people, and the rhetoric in speeches delivered by Shakespeare’s and Dobbs’ characters. We also try to demonstrate how this last season, despite reproducing a premier weakened by age and pursued by involuntary memories of crimes committed in the past, as in the novel, softens his cruelty and intensifies his emotional problems, making events more palatable and the protagonist more humane to the viewer of the series.


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Author Biography

Brunilda Tempel Reichmann, UNIANDRADE, Curitiba, Paraná,

Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Mestrado em Letras pela University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) doutorado em Letras pela University of Nebraska in Lincoln (UNL) e Pós-Doutorado pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Foi Graduate Assistant no curso de Letras da UNO; Professora de Literatura da Washburn University em Kansas e Professora Titular da UFPR. Atualmente é professora do Mestrado em Teoria Literária do Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade - Uniandrade, PR. Tem experiência na área de Literaturas de Língua Inglesa e Literatura Comparada, com ênfase em estudos intermidiáticos, trabalhando principalmente com narrativa ficcional e fílmica.




How to Cite

Reichmann, B. T. (2019). Echoes of Shakespeare: Julius Caesar and House of Cards - the Final Cut by Dobbs and BBC. Revista Da Anpoll, 1(50), 128–139.



Estudos Literários 2019