Metaphor, Context and Embedment in Neo-Pentecostal Rhetoric




Metaphor, Context, Rhetoric, Neo-Pentecostal Churches


According to Hunt (2000), Neo-Pentecostal churches have as main characteristic the capacity for adaptation to different spatial-temporal contexts. Thus, in this article we work with the hypothesis that contextual sociopolitic transformations in the country, which occurs in the course of a decade, changed the textual-interactive production of Neo-Pentecostal sermons. We focus our attention on the use of metaphors, fundamental to the success of Neo-Pentecostal rhetoric (MARTINS, 2011, 2015, 2017). To achieve the outcomes, we analyzed the relationship between the metaphorical conceptualization of the category INVESTIMENT and the embedment (HANKS, 2008) of habitus (BOURDIEU, 1996) changes of the target public in two cults, one was ministered in 2007 and the other in 2017. The results show that in 2007 the speaker conceptualized INVESTIMENT in terms of a path. Already in 2017, the speaker conceptualized INVESTIMENT in terms of a choice. In our analyses we point out possible motivations to explain this difference and, in our conclusions, we suggest that in Neo-Pentecostal rhetoric embedment of the socio-political context into discourse produced effects in the argumentative strategies to persuade the audience to adhere to financial practices, such as the tithe and the offers.


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Author Biographies

Erik Fernando Miletta Martins, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte

Docente na área de Linguística do departamento de letras da UFRN. Atua na área de Linguística Textual. Tem interesse sobre os seguintes temas: Referenciação, categorização, metáfora, sociocognição, Igrejas Pentecostais.

Marcela Costa De Souza, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte

Graduanda do curso de Letras Língua Portuguesa na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, há dois anos desempenha o papel de bolsista não remunerada de Iniciação Científica, sob a orientação do professor doutor Erik Fernando Miletta Martins. Realiza pesquisas na área de Linguística Textual seguindo a abordagem Sociocognitiva para investigar quais as estratégias de argumentação utilizadas na retórica de algumas igrejas neopentecostais brasileiras de grande renome, como a Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus e a Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus.



How to Cite

Miletta Martins, E. F., & Costa De Souza, M. (2020). Metaphor, Context and Embedment in Neo-Pentecostal Rhetoric. Revista Da Anpoll, 51(1), 21–31.



Estudos Linguísticos (2020)