Between academic and digital:

navigation strategies used by undergradute in Letters




Academic Literacy, Digital Literacy, Navigation


This paper aims to analyze the strategies used by undergraduate students of Letters at the Universidade Federal do Piauí in their navigation paths in online search environment to perform academic tasks. The results presented here are derived from research whose data collection of 20 informants (10 attending the 6th period and 10 attending the 9th period) was carried out in three stages: application of a pre-reading questionnaire; performing navigation, reading and text production tasks; and application of a post-task questionnaire. The paths used by the informants observed in the execution of the tasks of the second stage, analyzed together with the data of the first and third stages, show that there is no way to guarantee that skills related to digital literacy or academic literacy, when treated separately, are more functional for that students are able to meet their reading goals. Instead, in an integrated and situated perspective, it became evident that the two types of literacy are strategically mobilized by students, depending on their repertoire of skills and the navigation and reading paths they choose to follow.


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Author Biography

Leila Rachel Barbosa Alexandre, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, Piauí, Brasil

Docente do curso de Letras-Libras (UFPI). Doutora em Linguística Aplicada (UFMG). Mestra em Letras (UFPI).


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How to Cite

Alexandre, L. R. B. (2021). Between academic and digital:: navigation strategies used by undergradute in Letters . Revista Da Anpoll, 52(1), 94–109.



Estudos Linguísticos (2021)