Stability and change in native American Indian English

the case of Lumbee English in North Carolina




Native American English, Tri-ethnic language contact, Oppositional identity, Remnant variety, Language accommodation


This description considers the English variety of the Lumbee Indians of North Carolina, the largest group of Native American Indians east of the Mississippi River. They lost their ancestral language generations ago, and have lived in a relatively stable, tri-ethnic, isolated rural context for several generations with African Americans and European Americans. We examine two prominent morphosyntactic structures, the use of perfective I’m in I’m been there and the remorphologization of was and were based on polarity (e. g. It weren’t me, and they was here) and one less-salient phonetic process, the fronting of the boot vowel. The morphosyntactic structures indicate traits of a regionalized remnant variety that set the Lumbee apart from their cohort varieties. The phonetic trait, however, shows changes over recent generations as the Lumbee move from an alignment with African Americans to one with European Americans. We explain the realignment of the phonetic trait away from African American Language in terms of an oppositional identity, in which the Lumbee maintain their distinctiveness as an ethnolinguistic group that is neither African American nor European American, but especially not African American.


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Author Biographies

Walt Wolfram, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States of America

Walt Wolfram is William C. Friday Distinguished University Professor at North Carolina State University, where he also directs the Language and Life Project at North Carolina State University. He has pioneered research on social and ethnic dialects of English since the 1960s and published more than 30 books and edited collections, and over 300 articles; he currently focuses on language diversity and the public interest. 

Marie Bissell, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America

Marie Bissell is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Linguistics at The Ohio State University. She previously received her M.A. in English (Linguistics) from North Carolina State University. Her research focuses on sociophonetic aspects of sound change, especially with respect to vowels, in the realms of both production and perception. More broadly, she is interested in applying quantitative methods to questions about dialectology and language change.


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How to Cite

Wolfram, W., & Bissell, M. (2021). Stability and change in native American Indian English: the case of Lumbee English in North Carolina. Revista Da Anpoll, 52(esp), 82–102.



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