Reinventing the social imaginary and the social representations

in favor of a Sociolinguistics of hope




Sociolinguistics, Contingency, Social hope


In this essay, it is formulated an agenda for the new challenge of the Sociolinguistics, in the area of social hope. The agenda is embodied actions, presented in the gerund: realizing what is happening in the world of ideas, how do people move inside of imaginaries, contingent social representations and perceptions; unveiling the violent aspect of both cultural and grammatical production in which people move around; learning how to deal with the cultured fascist language and integrating the movement of resistance, resilience and social hope; interacting with Latour (2001), Stoer et al. (2004), Fairclough (2016) and Rorty (2000, 2002, 2005), in the agenda of social hope, and claimed citizenship; investigating the goals of the Work Group of Sociolinguistics, in the plan of the biennium 2018-2020; formulating an agenda of the sociolinguistics of the social hope,  departing from the openings of this plan; searching for partnerships in multi, inter and transdisciplinary movements socially compromised with functionalists, generativists, grammars of constructions, theories, actor-net, and postulates of linguistics of resistance, resilience and the neopragmatism of Rorty; detailing strategies of the contingent agenda about the speech of the collective subject, for the collection and analysis of data of vulnerable groups, and strategies of confrontation to oppression; and finally, contributing with the formulation of public policies linked to the demands of linguistic education for social hope.


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How to Cite

Votre, S. J. (2021). Reinventing the social imaginary and the social representations: in favor of a Sociolinguistics of hope. Revista Da Anpoll, 52(esp), 230–248.



GT de Sociolinguística, 35 anos depois: reflexões e cenários