Arts of the Body and Dialogism in Sonnet 116: potentiality for an aesthetic education of the gaze




Arts of the Body, Dialogism, Aesthetic education


This article aims to reflect on the relationship between the Arts of the Body and Dialogism in the visual-verb scenic project Sonnet 116 (W. Shakespeare) – Direction José Roberto Jardim – with Fernanda Nobre, in 2021, in order to investigate possibilities for an aesthetic education of the gaze in contemporaneity. Immersed in the virtual sphere of production, circulation and reception of the Arts of the Body (a polysemic term that allows us to consider the adaptation of the scene to different formats and platforms radically triggered by the global pandemic of covid-19), the work presents possible discussions on foundational themes that constitute language studies today. Based on the thinking of the group of Russian intellectuals currently called Bakhtin and the Circle, the work mobilizes concepts related to the macro notion of Dialogism, on the grounds of which it focuses on its object of analysis. The results present contributions to the field of language and education studies, which are interested in the functioning of discourse in different fields, including theater and performance, as well as to the universe of the Arts of Body (wider than before), which we have been facing, for some time now, through Bakhtinian lens.


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Author Biography

Jean Carlos Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Doutor em Educação (UFPR).


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, J. C. (2022). Arts of the Body and Dialogism in Sonnet 116: potentiality for an aesthetic education of the gaze. Revista Da Anpoll, 53(1), 161–176.



Estudos Linguísticos (2022)