Affective triggers of discourse and the buying and selling of semiotic stimuli on Twitter
Affective triggers of discourse, Indexicality, Indisciplinary Applied Linguistics, Cash Master and Cash Slave, PragmaticsAbstract
From the reflection on a practical analytical tool for discourse analysts interested in affect, the affective trigger of discourse emerged. This article, in turn, arises from the need to explain and expand the affective trigger concept proposed in Bonfante (2018), as well as locating this analytical tool within indexicality. To illustrate the operationalization of the concept in an analysis, the article focuses on the observation of the online performance of the cash masters and cash slaves, a public sexual practice on Twitter mediated by the platform and language. The article also provides examples of what is done with language in sensual contexts in platform society. Among the conclusions is the suggestion that affective studies of online language can profit ethically from a critique of neoliberalism.
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