Interview with Augusto de Campos

poetic production of the book




Concrete poetry, Artist’s book, Augusto de Campos


The Brazilian concrete poetry movement anticipated some of the editorial practices of the present. It collaborates both with supporting the practice of self-publishing and with the editions known as “artist's book”. This brief interview with the poet and founder of the Brazilian concrete movement Augusto de Campos is aimed at understanding the editorial practice of concrete poets and their own references. In addition, it brings a short introduction to the molds of concrete poetic criticism. Campos illuminates some points of the origin of the concrete poetry movement and the production of his books in author editions, together with partners and friends, discussing the convergences between the concrete poetry movement and the production of artist books.


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CAMPOS, Augusto de. Não. São Paulo: edição de autor. 1990.

CAMPOS, Augusto de; PLAZA, J. Poemóbiles. 3. ed. São Paulo: Annablume Editora (Selo Demônio Negro), 2010. 12 pranchas.

CAMPOS, Augusto de; PLAZA, J. Caixa Preta. São Paulo: edição de autor, 1985.

CARRIÓN, Ulises. A nova arte de fazer livros. Tradução Amir Brito Cadôr. Belo Horizonte: C/ Arte, 2011.

OSWALD, Andrade. O perfeito cozinheiro das almas desse mundo. Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca Azul, 2014.

OSWALD, Andrade. Primeiro caderno do alumno de poesia Oswald de Andrade. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018.

REIFSCHNEIDER, Oto Dias B. Arte e invenção: a materialidade do concreto. Revista Brasileira, n. 69, p. 247-256, out./dez. 2011.



How to Cite

Ribeiro Mattar, M. (2021). Interview with Augusto de Campos: poetic production of the book. Revista Da Anpoll, 52(3), 158–164.