Genesis, analysis and developments of CIDADE CITY CITÉ

a poem by Augusto de Campos


  • Enzo Minarelli 3ViTre Archivio di Polipoesia, Cento, Italia



Sound poetry-intermedia-polypoetry


The starting point lies in this phonetic poem from 1963 published for the first time in Italy, and performed in its original length in 1968 at the University of Indiana. I was able to view his declamation at Brunnenburg Castle on 25th March 1991 when Augusto with his brother Haroldo was invited by Francesco Conz for a creative intervention inspired by the figure of Ezra Pound who had lived in that castle for years together with his daughter Mary de Rachewiltz. From the exegesis of the poem itself, still original and fresh to the point of still inspiring plastic or musical artists, I move on to develop the function of the voice in concrete poetry and in that kind of poetry properly called sound, investigated in its expansion towards the moving image (videopoetry) and towards performance, to relate, finally, to those experiences that arose in the second half of the twentieth century known as intermedia and polypoetry.


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BARILLI, Renato. Viaggio al termine della parola, La Ricerca Intraverbale. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1981.

CAMPOS, Augusto; CAMPOS, Cid. Poesia é Risco. 1995. Rio de Janeiro: Polygram, 1995. 1 Cd. 526 508-2.

MINARELLI, Enzo. The singing blackbird: voice, images, technology in polypoetry., Visible Language. Special issue VoicImage, an international selection of essays about sound and image in contemporary poetical experimentalism, Rhode Island School of Design, Chicago, 35.1, May 2001.

MINARELLI, Enzo. Polipoesia, entre as poéticas da voz no século XX. Trad. Frederico Fernandes, Londrina: EDUEL, 2010.

MINARELLI, Enzo; FERNANDES, Frederico (Orgs). Polypoetry 30 years 1987-2017. Londrina: EDUEL, 2018.

STAROBINSKI, Jean. Les mots sous les mots. Les anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure. Parigi: Gallimard, 1971.



How to Cite

Minarelli, E. (2021). Genesis, analysis and developments of CIDADE CITY CITÉ: a poem by Augusto de Campos. Revista Da Anpoll, 52(3), 29–39.



Escritores e escritoras de Língua Portuguesa: Augusto de Campos