The Foucauldian Discourse Studies Contribution to Analysis on the Heterotopic Space ‘AzMina’




Foucauldian discourse studies, Heterotopic space, Discourse


This study aim is to reflect toward the productivity of the foucauldian discourse studies in and for the analysis present on statements disseminated by the electronic magazine AzMina in March 2020. We have chosen to delimit our study focusing on the interpretation of a discursive sequence that was published in the referred vehicle, whose author is the acting Federal President, Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro. We comprehend that this space gave the female person a voice and it still does, especially the ones that are victims of male chauvinism violence. This violence has been materializing on women’s bodies in the social distance period during the pandemic caused by Coronavirus. To this end, we have based our study on the foucauldian concepts of heterotopia (2001), counter-conduct (2004), disposition (1999) and biopolitics (2008) because, once these notions are articulated, they promote a better comprehension of the way that the heterotopic space is constructed and shaped in this magazine, as it generates fresh meanings and values. These notions, through customs destabilization, also inspire other ways of living, representing women and their heterogeneity whilst show the currentness of the philosopher Michel Foucault’s thoughts towards discourse analysis.


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Author Biographies

Bruna Faria, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil

Mestranda em Estudos Linguísticos (UEM).

Andréa Zíngara, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, Paraná, Brasil

Doutora em Estudos Linguísticos (UEM).


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How to Cite

Faria, B., & Zíngara, A. . (2022). The Foucauldian Discourse Studies Contribution to Analysis on the Heterotopic Space ‘AzMina’. Revista Da Anpoll, 53(2), 403–418.



Por uma análise foucaultiana dos discursos