Discourse, memory and gender violence





Discursive Memory, Gender Identification, Feminism, Domestic and Family Violence


This text aims to analyze the persistence of a discursive memory and meanings about the subject woman in reports of women victims of domestic and family violence. Based on the analytical theoretical framework of discourse analysis of materialist affiliation, and in dialogue with gender studies, the concepts of discursive memory and the discursive processes that lead to the construction of forms of identification will be treated. In this context, special attention is given to power relations between men and women, which are patriarchal and unequal, with bodies bringing discourses that permeate different areas, legal, political, and economic. The female condition in power relations takes us on a journey through discourses that intersect through the threads of memories, indicating socially accepted representations and marking places that were legitimized in a situation of clash and resistance. Social contradictions and the marks of claiming rights and spaces of expression prevent women from being seen for their history of achievements, currently inscribing them as a target of domestic and family violence, potentiated during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Araújo, A. L. N. de. (2024). Discourse, memory and gender violence. Revista Da Anpoll, 55, e1828. https://doi.org/10.18309/ranpoll.v55.1828



Estudos Linguísticos