Connectivity and argumentation in microtextuality

implicit and meaning making




Microtextuality, Connectivity, Implicit, Argumentation, Meaning Making


The paper approaches the textual connectivity construction marked at the microtextual level, specifically exploring links based on the implicit. Considered as inherent to every text, connectivity ensures the text continuity even in face of discontinuity. Having said that, the objectives of the article are to investigate, in a text exemplar, how connectivity occurs at the microtextual level supported by connections based on the implicit; and to reflect on the importance of this textual phenomenon for the argumentation construction. For the analyses carried out, categories related to connections based on the implicit proposed by Adam (2021 and 2022) were considered: ellipses, presuppositions, assumptions, intertextuality. The theme invokes both producer and reader in meaning making and, from this point of view, it brings perspectives to studies of argumentative textual composition.


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How to Cite

Lima, N. V. de, & Cabral, A. L. T. (2023). Connectivity and argumentation in microtextuality: implicit and meaning making. Revista Da Anpoll, 54(1), e1888.



Dossiê temático: Linguística textual: perspectivas interdisciplinares