Language acts of sarcastic irony

argumentative considerations in textual linguistics




Irony, Critical Edge, Intertextuality, Context


In this work, we consider some characteristics of interactions that make use of sarcastic irony, seen here as an argumentative strategy that can only be interpreted taking into account the totality of the unit of meanings in context. Our objective is to elaborate an analysis of texts containing irony linguistically marked by referential and intertextual processes. The analyzed examples, part of the mediatic discursive domain, are illustrative of the hypothesis that it is necessary to consider, in the interpretation of irony, interactional aspects (HUTCHEON, 2000), the communicative circuit, in which the presence of the third party must be contemplated, in addition to of speakers and interlocutors; the enunciative heterogeneity and the crossing of points of view; the referential networks in the argumentative orientation and the intertextual appeals. by Sperber and Wilson (1990) on direct and indirect “mentions”; irony can only be adequately analyzed in view of its occurrence in the unit of communication and meaning in a broad context, which is the text. Only in the completeness of the interaction in context the phenomenon of irony can be fully embraced.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante, M. M., Brito, M. A. P., & Faria, M. da G. dos S. (2023). Language acts of sarcastic irony: argumentative considerations in textual linguistics. Revista Da Anpoll, 54(1), e1900.



Dossiê temático: Linguística textual: perspectivas interdisciplinares