Anchors in symbolic drift – texts as forms of social cognition




Text, Social Cognition, Epistemic Frames, Sociocognitivism


Our objective in this essay is to reflect on what has been called the sociocognitive approach to the text, focusing both on the epistemological position that takes the “text as knowledge of social objects”, and on the perspective that takes the text as social cognition or as linked to social cognition. sociocognition. In short, they consist of distinct epistemic positions regarding the relationship established between text and cognition (complementary or constitutive). The option for one of the two positions highlighted here also reveals different meanings of cognition and the social. Among the implications derived from both epistemological positions, we suggested whether there would be a possibility of articulation between both, based on the theoretical and methodological purposes of textual analysis, as well as on the reciprocity between form and socio-cognitive anchoring, and between text and cognition.


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How to Cite

Morato , E. M. (2023). Anchors in symbolic drift – texts as forms of social cognition. Revista Da Anpoll, 54(1), e1901.



Dossiê temático: Linguística textual: perspectivas interdisciplinares