Bilingualism. Bilingual education. Natal/RN


  • Orlando Vian Jr UFRN
  • Janaina Weissheimer UFRN
  • Lígia Leite UFRN
  • Rodrigo Queiroz UFRN/PPgEL
  • Wilka Soares UFRN
  • José Mauro Uchôa UFRN
  • James Vasconcelos UFRN



Bilingualism. Bilingual education. Natal/RN


This paper aims at presenting a preliminary account of the bilingual education in Natal/RN based on the notions of bilingual (GROSJEAN, 1982; WEI, 2000) and bilingual education (HAMERS; BLANC, 2000; FISHMAN; LOVAS, 1970; DALE; TANNER, 2012). The data were collected through questionnaires and interviews in four private bilingual schools in Natal/RN. Results indicate that most of the schools include two languages concomitantly in their bilingual curriculum with differences as regards the hour load to work with each of the languages


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Author Biographies

Orlando Vian Jr, UFRN

UFRN, Natal, Professor Adjunto III 

Janaina Weissheimer, UFRN

UFRN, Natal, Professora Adjunta III

Lígia Leite, UFRN

UFRN/PPgEL, Natal, Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem

Rodrigo Queiroz, UFRN/PPgEL

UFRN/PPgEL, Natal, Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem

Wilka Soares, UFRN

UFRN/PPgEL, Natal, Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem

José Mauro Uchôa, UFRN

UFRN/PPgEL, Natal, Doutorando em Estudos da Linguagem

James Vasconcelos, UFRN

UFRN/PPgEL, Natal, Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem



How to Cite

Vian Jr, O., Weissheimer, J., Leite, L., Queiroz, R., Soares, W., Uchôa, J. M., & Vasconcelos, J. (2013). Bilingualism. Bilingual education. Natal/RN. Revista Da Anpoll, 1(34), 233–257.