“Dear vastness”: pampa landscape in Alcides Maya’s prose


  • Luciana Murari Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul




landscape, Alcides Maya, regionalism, descrition


This paper analyzes the description of landscapes in the fictional works published by gaucho writer Alcides Maya. Initially, I carried out a brief bibliographic review of the landscape concept, aiming to introduce the subject and to instrumentalize the discussion carried out in the following section. Particularly helpful is the analysis of the intertwining between the creation of modern collective identities and the representation of the natural and rural scenery of the pampas. It takes into account the writer’s ability to describe the visual effects of landscape painting and the aggregation of other kinds of sensory stimuli. The exegesis of excerpts from his books exposes the coupling between the descriptive language and the narrative flow, intending to understand the meanings of the environment on them. Therefore, from the critical tradition of regionalism, we discuss the concepts of macchia and art-nouveau, which support the understanding of the description of nature in the aesthetic of the genre.



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How to Cite

Murari, L. (2024). “Dear vastness”: pampa landscape in Alcides Maya’s prose . Revista Da Anpoll, 55, e1988. https://doi.org/10.18309/ranpoll.v55.1988



Dossiê: Literatura do Rio Grande do Sul: personagens, espaços e temporalidades