Saussure and Foucault; language and discourse




Saussure, Foucault, Language, Discourse, Statements


The article problematizes the notion of language that permeates Foucault's studies, especially in texts published in the late 1960s, with emphasis on The Archeology of Knowledge. It aims at explaining and/or discussing the implications of the concept of language for the construction of theoretical and methodological apparatuses that support its propositions about discourse. The hypothesis is that the dialogue with structuralism, which presents language as a system, acts as a foundation for the concepts of discourse and discursive practices, which will be important to him over several years of research. In the development of this article, initially the notion of language in Ferdinand de Saussure is presented, specifically in the Course in General Linguistics, and later, the notion of language in Foucault and in Saussure is compared, considering the development of the statement and discourse concepts. The results indicate the similarities and differences between the two authors, considering the notion of language.


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Author Biographies

Cleudemar Alves Fernandes, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Doutor em Linguística (USP).

Vanice Sargentini, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

Doutora em Linguística e Língua Portugesa (UNESP).


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PUECH, Christian. A emergência da noção de “discurso” na França: Foucault e Pêcheux leitores de Saussure. In: PIOVEZANI, C.; CURCINO, L.; SARGENTINI, V. (Org.) Presenças de Foucault na Análise do Discurso. São Carlos: Claraluz: EDUFSCar, 2014.

SAUSSURE, Ferdinand de. Course in General Linguistics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. Tradução de: Wade Baskin.

SILVEIRA, Eliane; SÁ, Israel de; FERNANDES, Cleudemar Alves. Problemas da autoria em Ferdinand de Saussure: do percurso intelectual à constituição da obra. Leitura, v. 1, nº 62, 2019. p. 235-254.



How to Cite

Fernandes, C. A., & Sargentini, V. (2022). Saussure and Foucault; language and discourse. Revista Da Anpoll, 53(2), 53–67.



Por uma análise foucaultiana dos discursos