Cohesion in writing Portuguese as a second language

the role of some social variables




University students, Social variables, Written text, Textual cohesion, Difficulties


This paper aims to identify the impact of sex, age, mother tongue and the context of the first contact or of the learning process of the Portuguese language on learners’ abilities to establish cohesive features in written texts. The study adopts qualitative and quantitative approaches as well as theories on the role of social variables and previous linguistic knowledge to develop competencies in non-mother tongue. Data used in this study comprise texts written by undergraduate students in second year of honors in Mozambican Sign Language. Findings from data analysis reveal that the four variables play significant role as triggers of difficulties in establishing cohesive features in written texts. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers, students and society at large adopt strategies and policies to improve competencies in the Portuguese language and allow students to write cohesive texts.


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Author Biography

Diocleciano Nhatuve, Universidade do Zimbabwe e Universidade de Coimbra

Natural de Moçambique. 
Leitor de Português na Universidade do Zimbabwe. 
Doutorando em Língua Portuguesa: Investigação e Ensino (Universidade de Coimbra). 
Mestre em Ciencias da Linguagem e Cominicação (Universidade de Évora). 
Lincenciado em Ensido de Português (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane). 
Áreas de investigação: Ensino de PLE; Gramática de Português; Linguística Textual.


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How to Cite

Nhatuve, D. (2023). Cohesion in writing Portuguese as a second language: the role of some social variables. Revista Da Anpoll, 54(1), e1854.



Estudos Linguísticos